Water Utilities’ Laboratory Commended for Assisting Texas Cities During February’s Extreme Weather Event
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Offering recognition to those who helped Texans impacted by February’s extreme winter weather event, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) extended personal gratitude to the staff at Corpus Christi’s Water Utilities Laboratory.
Following February’s rescinded boil water notice, laboratory staff continued to assist public water systems throughout Texas.
Area public water systems required water testing to lift boil water notices active in their communities. “Your lab took the service a step further and offered to waive all testing fees for impacted systems working to rescind their boil water notices”, said Earl Lott, Director for the TCEQ. “This is a commendable act of public service, especially for smaller systems who likely suffered damage to their infrastructure during the storm that will require use of their limited funds.”
Aiding in rescinding thirty-seven boil water notices statewide during February’s crisis, Corpus Christi laboratory staff plans to continue this practice in future emergency situations. This helps to ensure all public water systems can have the same access to lab services necessary for communities to resume their normal water consumption, as safely and as soon as possible.
Water testing by the Corpus Christi Water Utilities Laboratory is for the public water system(s) responsible for distributing drinking water to the public-at-large in an area, district or community they serve. Individual or residential water testing is not a service currently offered.
The Corpus Christi Water Utilities mission is to provide clean and quality water and wastewater services that respect our environment and our customers can depend on.
Media representatives can contact Strategic Communications Manager Amber Oetting at 361-826-1844 or by email at ambero@cctexas.com. You also can find updates on City social media channels Facebook @citygov and Twitter @cityofcc.