City Celebrates Cole Park Pier Construction Kick-Off
When: Wednesday, February 24, 2021, 10:00 A.M.
What: Cole Park Pier Construction Project
Where: Cole Park, 2802 Ocean Drive
Who: Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo
Ben Molina, District 2 Council Member
Peter Zanoni, City Manager
Scott Harris, Type B Fund President
CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS – The City of Corpus Christi Engineering Services Department and the Parks & Recreation Department will be hosting the Cole Park Pier Project Kick-Off. The event will share details regarding the history of the iconic pier and the upcoming phases of construction.
Please join City Manager Peter Zanoni, Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo, Mr. Scott Harris, Council Members, and City Staff as they Kick-Off the upcoming demolition of the old pier and the construction of the new.
The City is requesting only one media representative from each outlet attend. Due to COVID-19 risk, social distancing and masks will be required. The public can view the briefing live on the following communication channels:
Facebook: @citygov
YouTube: CCTVCorpusChristi
For more information, media representatives can contact Sr. Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry 361-826-3837 or by email at