City – County Hotline COVID-19 Vaccine Pre-registration Closed for Next Week’s Tentatively Scheduled Drive Thru Clinic
Health District to conduct Mega COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Next Week

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Hotline pre-registration that opened at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon has closed for 2,000 individuals to receive a first dose Phase 1A & 1B COVID-19 vaccination at a clinic tentatively scheduled for next week.
Two thousand individuals were registered within five hours.
The Corpus Christi - Nueces County Public Health District will open its online pre-registration on Saturday, February 13, at 2:00 p.m. to pre-register 2,000 eligible first dose Phase 1A & 1B individuals. To pre-register online, visit and click on the “Vaccination Registration” link.
Earlier today, the Health District received notification of 5,000 Moderna vaccines scheduled to be delivered next week. However, a delivery date is unknown due to the severe cold and inclement weather in Texas. The allocation of first dose vaccinations will be administered at a mega drive thru clinic late next week. A date, time and location will be announced soon.
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