Winter Weather Tips for Homeowners and Businesses
Recommendations from Water Utilities Department
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – With freezing conditions expected over the next several days, the City of Corpus Christi Water Utilities Department advises residents and business owners to take appropriate steps to help protect their property. The Water Utilities Department offers the following tips to minimize property damage:
- Wrap all exposed pipes located outside or in unheated areas of the home with newspaper, insulation, or towels.
- Remove garden hoses from outside faucets. Insulate outside faucets with a Styrofoam cover, rags, or paper.
- Cover vents around the foundation of your home.
- Know where water cut-off valve is located and how to use it. You should apply oil such as WD-40, to the cut-off valve before operating to prevent the valve from breaking.
- Open kitchen and bathroom cabinets so warmer air can circulate below the sinks.
- Shut off irrigation systems. Water runoff from irrigation systems can travel onto the street and freeze, creating hazardous conditions for drivers.
Commercial customers should insulate or drain all exposed pipes.
If you are not staying at home:
- Cut water off at the property owner’s cut-off valve.
- Drain all outside water faucets if your house will be unoccupied for several days (leave outside faucets open).
- Set the thermostat in your house at no lower than 55ºF
- Open cabinet doors under sinks adjacent to outside walls.
- Ask a friend or neighbor to check your house daily to make sure it's warm enough to prevent freezing.
“Precautions have been taken at water and wastewater facilities to ensure City utility services are not impacted due to the cold weather.” Water Utilities Department Director Kevin Norton said.
Protect your plants:
- Bring your smaller container plants, especially succulents, indoors. Mulch or cover outdoor plants with straw, blankets, or cardboard.
- To prevent heat loss from sides of containers, push together large outdoor pots and wrap the bases with a blanket.
- Rosemary topiaries or potted citrus plants or roses should be moved close to the wall of your house for warmth.
- Don’t worry if plant leaves wilt; they protect themselves against cold by dehydrating themselves. Given time, most will perk back up.
- If you see damage from frost (black or purple flaccid leaves or stems), particularly on woody perennials, wait until the spring to prune to not shear off healthy tissue.
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