City Begins Preparation for Forecasted Severe Cold and Inclement Weather

Mayor and City Manager to Detail Preliminary Emergency Management Plan

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi is aware of the frigid temperatures and potential for freezing rain and sleet forecasted for our area. The City is working on an emergency management plan to address issues such as individuals and pets in need of shelter and utilities.

As of Tuesday, Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo and City Manager Peter Zanoni began preparations to implement the City’s severe cold and inclement weather protocols. Measures will be in place to ensure proper and safe City services in public safety, transportation, water, homelessness, animal care, aviation services, and construction.

The City is working with multiple local homeless agencies to ensure shelter, food, blankets, and clothing are provided for those in need during the severe cold and inclement weather. The Salvation Army has been identified as the lead agency in providing emergency shelter. If the Salvation Army exhausts their intake accommodations, individuals will be referred by the Salvation Army to other shelters expanding their intake.

The City also is working on an operational plan to offer daytime warming centers within the city limits. More details on the warming centers will be provided no later than Friday as the weather forecast becomes more apparent.

The City already has engaged the Corpus Christi National Weather Service for continuous daily weather forecasts and has scheduled recurring updates into next week.

Additionally, the City has engaged numerous state and local agencies, including the Texas Department of Emergency Management, Texas Department of Transportation, the Port of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, AEP of Texas, the Coastal Bend Council of Governments, the Downtown Management District, Christus Spohn, the Robstown Fire Department, and the American Red Cross.

A news conference will be held to detail preliminary cold and inclement weather protocols. Details are provided below.

When: Thursday, February 11 at 11:00 a.m.

Where: City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street Council Chambers

Who:    Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo; City Manager Peter Zanoni


The City is requesting only one media representative from each outlet. The public and the media are encouraged to view the briefing live on any of the following communication channels:

Facebook: @citygov

YouTube: CCTVCorpusChristi

CCTV20: Spectrum Channel 1300, Grande Channel 20, AT&T Uverse Channel 99

This is not a public gathering.

For more information, media representatives can contact Communications Director DeAnna McQueen at 361-826-2940 or by email at