Six Points Intersection Construction Contract Awarded By Council
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo and the City Council approved a $3.2 million dollar construction contract to Reytec Construction Resources, Inc. for the reconstruction of the Six Point Intersection to include 10th Street from Ayers Street to Staples Street and the rehabilitation of Ayers Street from 10th Street to Six Points Intersection, located in Council District 2. Funding for this project comes from FY 2021 funding available from the Streets Bond 2016, storm water, wastewater, and water funds.
The Six Points Intersection is a historic area established in the early 1900’s and a key hub for growth in the central area of the city. The intersection joins three major streets: Ayers, Staples, and Alameda. Previously, the City completed three street Bond projects: Alameda Street from Ayers Street to Louisiana Avenue (Bond 2012), Ayers Street from Ocean Drive to Alameda Street (Bond 2014), and Staples Street from Morgan Avenue to Ayers Street (Bond 2014). These three projects have been completed, but none of their scopes included the Six Points Intersection or approaches from Ayers Street and Staples Street.
Construction of the Six Points Improvements project will include curb and gutter, ADA ramps, pavement markings, signage, upgrading traffic signalization, street lighting, and utility improvements including, water, wastewater, storm water and underground cable for information technology.
This project is anticipated to last 10 months, with construction planned to begin in March 2021. For the latest updates and to view design exhibits residents can visit For more information, media representatives can contact Sr. Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or by email at