500 Second Dose Vaccines Scheduled to Arrive Monday
Second Dose Vaccination Clinic Tentatively Scheduled Friday, January 29

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has notified the Corpus Christi – Nueces County Public Health District that on Monday, January 25, the Health District will receive 500 SECOND DOSE VACCINES. The second dose vaccination drive thru clinic is tentatively scheduled on Friday, January 29, beginning at 11:00 a.m. at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds, 1213 Terry Shamsie Boulevard, in Robstown, Texas. It will end at 7:00 p.m. that same day.
The second dose vaccination drive thru clinic is for individuals who participated in the first dose mega vaccination drive thru clinic on Tuesday, December 29 at the fairgrounds. Prior to the second dose vaccination drive thru clinic on Friday, January 29, the Health District will notify these individuals by text message. Participants will need to bring their vaccination card with them. If patrons miss this second dose vaccination drive thru clinic on the 29th, they can attend one of the Health District’s next second dose clinics.
The CDC recently released guidance (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/info-by-product/clinical-considerations.html) stating the second dose of vaccine can be safe and effective if administered up to six weeks after the first dose. While this expanded window of opportunity provides a longer time frame and helps address the issue of unpredictable vaccine supplies, those who have received the first dose should get their second dose as soon as they are eligible. Do not delay getting a second dose while supplies are available.
The new six-week window is a MAXIMUM interval, not a minimum interval. The recommended time intervals between the first and second vaccine doses are:
- Moderna (100 µg, 0.5 ml): 1 month (28 days) apart
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) after the second vaccine dose:
- Side effects may be worse after the second dose.
- These side effects include:
- Redness at the site.
- Site feels hot and/or itches.
- Chills, extreme fatigue, nausea and even vomiting for some.
- Symptoms typically go away on their own within a week.
- If their symptoms do not go away or individuals are feeling worse, they should seek medical attention.
- These side effects are a sign that their immune system is working.
- The vaccine cannot give someone COVID-19.
"Receiving 500 second doses of the Moderna vaccine is welcome news to our residents,” said Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo. “Our City Council is looking forward to a streamlined process for the dissemination of these doses."
“These 500 doses will provide the essential second-dose protection for 500 of our most vulnerable residents in group 1A – medical personnel and those who work directly with COVID-19 patients, as well as those at greatest risk from COVID-19,” said Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales. “What we learn with this small group as we do this will be vital when we are administering second doses by the thousands – that day cannot get here soon enough. We will be ready!”
For information visit www.cctexas.com/coronavirus and www.nuecesknows.com.
Individuals also can call the Health District’s Coronavirus Hotline at 361-826-7200, option 2. Updates also are posted on city social media channels Facebook @citygov and Twitter @cityofcc.