Week of January 25 Vaccine Shipment Expected to Arrive
Phase 1A & 1B Mega Vaccination Clinic of 5,000 doses Tentatively Scheduled Jan., 26

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Corpus Christi – Nueces County Public Health District has been notified 5,000 Moderna vaccines are expected to arrive Monday, January 25. As consistent with the Health District’s business plan, if the vaccines arrive Monday, a Phase 1A and 1B mega vaccination drive thru clinic will take place the following day, Tuesday, January 26, beginning at 8:00 a.m
What patron’s need to know:
- All registration will be on site and staff will be on hand to assist individuals with registration. There will be no online pre-registration.
- The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) will be testing our vaccination system for efficiency and to verify we can give all 5,000 doses during a one-day clinic.
- The Health District also will have more portable restrooms on site for patrons and the site location with more informational signage.
- As wait times are expected, be mindful of medication(s) you may need while waiting.
- Patrons are encouraged to bring something to keep them busy like books, puzzles, and snacks.
The Health District’s mega vaccination drive thru clinics are ideal for people with flexible schedules and non-critical health issues. In addition to the Health District, other local providers have enrolled with the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and are approved to provide Plan 1A and 1B COVID-19 vaccines as doses become available. For information visit www.cctexas.com/coronavirus and www.nuecesknows.com.
The Health District is working on several ways to get vaccinations to the elderly.
The Corpus Christi Fire Department is planning to use first responders to provide vaccinations to those who received City Senior Services. The program would include those who attend City Senior Centers to pick up lunches and seniors who participate in the Meals on Wheels, the Senior Companion Program, and the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.
The City and Driscoll Children’s Hospital also is planning a vaccination clinic at the American Bank Center for February. Both programs are subject to vaccine availability. Details will be forthcoming.
"The arrival of 5,000 vaccinations this week is critical news to our community,” said Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo. “Our City Council understands that we must do all we can to work to obtain additional vaccines for our area. We also continue to work on programs to serve seniors and the homebound. We thank our residents for your patience as we continue to do all we can to serve you."
“The team at our mega clinic has shown that we can handle vaccine in volume, and I am eager for us to demonstrate that we can successfully deliver 5,000 doses per day,” said Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales. “We are ready to handle any amount of vaccine that we get, and we are eager to bring this protection and peace of mind to as many people as possible as fast as we can.”
For more information, individuals can call the Health District’s Coronavirus Hotline at 361-826-7200, option 2. One can also find vaccine updates on city social media channels Facebook @citygov and Twitter @cityofcc.