Election Day is Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Let your voice be heard!

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - City Secretary Rebecca L. Huerta reminds citizens that Tuesday, December 15, 2020 is your last chance to take part in the December 15th runoff election to elect a mayor and city council members in Districts 1 and 4.  If you did not cast a ballot during early voting, tomorrow is the last day to vote.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  All registered Corpus Christi voters can vote at any one of the following vote centers in Corpus Christi (curbside voting available at all locations – call 361-888-0303): 

Ben F. McDonald Public Library – 4044 Greenwood Dr. (Meeting Rm.)

Corpus Christi Christian Fellowship – 6602 S. Staples St. (Fellowship Hall)

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center - 5151 McArdle Rd. (Lobby)

Ethel Eyerly Senior Center - 654 Graham Rd. (Meeting Rm.)

Fannin Elementary – 2730 Gollihar Rd. (Cafeteria)

Hamlin Middle School - 3900 Hamlin Dr. (Front, Rm. 1)

Hilltop Community Center - 11425 Leopard St. (SW Wing, Back of the Bldg.)

John F. Kennedy Elementary - 1102 Villarreal Rd. (Atrium)

La Retama Central Library - 805 Comanche St. (La Retama Rm.)

Lindale Senior Center - 3135 Swantner St.

Magee Elementary (Star Annex) - 4201 Calallen Dr. (Bldg. 3, Rm. C2/C3)

Mireles Elementary - 7658 Cimarron Blvd. (Front Entrance)

Montclair Elementary - 5241 Kentner St. (Art Rm.)

Oak Park Recreation Center - 842 Erwin Ave. (Social Hall)

Padre Island Baptist Church – 14253 S. Padre Island Dr. (Foyer)

Parkway Presbyterian Church - 3707 Santa Fe St. (Fellowship Hall)

Schanen Elementary - 5717 Killarmet Dr. (Left Side Entrance, Lobby)

Smith Elementary – 6902 Williams Dr. (Front Lobby, near Rm. 9)

The Valencia – 6110 Ayers St.

Veterans Memorial High School - 3750 Cimarron Blvd. (Auditorium)

Zavala Senior Center - 510 Osage St. 

For more election-related information, visit www.cctexas.com/elections or contact the City Secretary’s Office at 361-826-3105.   

Runoff Election Day 12-14-20