Early & Election Day Voting Locations, Dates & Times
City Runoff Election
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - City Secretary Rebecca L. Huerta announces the following early and election day voting locations, dates and times for the December 15, 2020 runoff election to elect a Mayor and City Council Members in Districts 1 and 4.
Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on December 5 and 6, 2020, at the Nueces County Courthouse ONLY; and from 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. on December 7 – 11, 2020, at the main early voting polling place, which is the Nueces County Courthouse, 901 Leopard, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78401 and at the early voting substations, as follows, in Corpus Christi (subject to change); curbside voting available at all locations – call (361) 888-0303:
Ben F. McDonald Library – 4044 Greenwood Dr. (Meeting Rm.)
Corpus Christi Christian Fellowship - (Fellowship Hall) – 6602 S. Staples St.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center (Lobby) – 5151 McArdle Rd.
Ethel Eyerly Senior Center – 654 Graham Rd.
Hilltop Community Center (South Wing #1, Back of Building) - 11425 Leopard St.
Lindale Senior Center – 3135 Swantner Dr.
Oak Park Recreation Center – 842 Erwin Ave. (Social Hall)
Padre Island Baptist Church – 14253 S. Padre Island Dr. (Foyer)
The Valencia - 6110 Ayers St.
Veterans Memorial High School (Auditorium) - 3750 Cimarron Blvd.
Registered voters will be able to cast their Election Day ballots at any of these Vote Centers, in Corpus Christi (subject to change), from 7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, December 15, 2020; curbside voting available at all locations – call (361) 888-0303:
Ben F. McDonald Public Library – 4044 Greenwood Dr. (Meeting Rm.)
Corpus Christi Christian Fellowship – 6602 S. Staples St. (Fellowship Hall)
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center - 5151 McArdle Rd. (Lobby)
Ethel Eyerly Senior Center - 654 Graham Rd. (Meeting Rm.)
Fannin Elementary – 2730 Gollihar Rd. (Cafeteria)
Hamlin Middle School - 3900 Hamlin Dr. (Front, Rm. 1)
Hilltop Community Center - 11425 Leopard St. (SW Wing, Back of the Bldg.)
John F. Kennedy Elementary - 1102 Villarreal Rd. (Atrium)
La Retama Central Library - 805 Comanche St. (La Retama Rm.)
Lindale Senior Center - 3135 Swantner St.
Magee Elementary (Star Annex) - 4201 Calallen Dr. (Bldg. 3, Rm. C2/C3)
Mireles Elementary - 7658 Cimarron Blvd. (Front Entrance)
Montclair Elementary - 5241 Kentner St. (Art Rm.)
Oak Park Recreation Center - 842 Erwin Ave. (Social Hall)
Padre Island Baptist Church – 14253 S. Padre Island Dr. (Foyer)
Parkway Presbyterian Church - 3707 Santa Fe St. (Fellowship Hall)
Schanen Elementary - 5717 Killarmet Dr. (Left Side Entrance, Lobby)
Smith Elementary – 6902 Williams Dr. (Front Lobby, near Rm. 9)
The Valencia – 6110 Ayers St.
Veterans Memorial High School - 3750 Cimarron Blvd. (Auditorium)
Zavala Senior Center - 510 Osage St.
The last day to apply for a ballot by mail is Friday, December 4, 2020. For information on how to apply, call the Nueces County Clerk’s Office at (361) 888-0385.
For more election-related information, including an updated list of early voting and election day polling locations, please visit https://www.cctexas.com/elections or contact the City Secretary’s Office at (361) 826-3105.