2020 Holiday Grease Roundup
Grease Containers and Used Cooking Oil Drop-off Location Available
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – As we prepare for Thanksgiving and other holiday meals the City of Corpus Christi’s Water Utilities Department urges residents to collect and recycle or safely dispose of all used fats, oils and grease (FOG). When FOG is washed down the drain, it sticks inside pipes causing hardening and building up that clogs and damages the sanitary sewer system. This can cause sewage overflows and backups in homes, streets and local waterways.
Don’t wash grease down the drain. Instead, participate in the 2020 Holiday Grease Roundup which kicks off Saturday, November 21 through Monday, January 4, 2021.
The Water Utilities Department is teaming up with Solid Waste Services offering residents free disposal of used cooking oil by taking it to the J.C. Elliott Collection Center located at Hwy 286 and Ayers Street.
The Wastewater Division is also offering free grease containers for residents (limited quantities are available and only one per household). Grease containers for curbside pickup will be available Monday through Friday at the Water Utilities Building, 2726 Holly Road. Citizens can call 361-826-1800 to request a grease container.
For additional information and Frequently Asked Questions, visit us at: www.cctexas.com/fog
For more information, contact Public Information Officer, Gabriela Morrow at 361-826-3583 or by email at GabrielaM@cctexas.com.