City Kicks Off Historic Preservation Plan This Thursday

First Community Meeting to Be Held November 19

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The community is invited to learn more about the City’s upcoming update to its Historic Preservation Plan at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 19, 2020. A public workshop with consultants from McDoux Preservation, including a presentation and question-and-answer session, will be streamed live on YouTube, Facebook, and the City’s cable access channel. A video recording of the workshop will be made available for later viewing.

The City adopted its first preservation plan in 1976 and last updated it in 1992. This project aims to identify historic places, spaces, and other types of cultural heritage that are important to the community and worthy of protecting for future generations. It will also recommend ways that historic preservation can be used to as a resource for property owners, to support economic development, tourism, improved property values, and downtown revitalization.

Your input is requested and welcome! The City is collecting suggestions and feedback via email ( and through the project website at You can also sign up for project updates via email at

For more information, visit or contact Priscilla Ramirez, Development Services, or (361) 826-3040.

About this project: The City of Corpus Christi Historic Preservation Plan is being funded in part through a Certified Local Government Grant from the National Park Service, U. S. Department of the Interior, as administered by the Texas Historical Commission. For more information, visit

About McDoux Preservation LLC: McDoux Preservation is an award-winning Houston-based historic preservation consulting firm. McDoux’s data-driven, community-driven approach seeks to develop equitable and inclusive solutions that serve diverse community groups in support of their goals. For more information, visit
