City Elected Council Members and Approved Moving Forward with $75 Million Bond Program
Runoff Election to Decide Several Positions
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Unofficial results are back today from the November General and Special Bond Election. The City Council has four incumbents that have been re-elected. There are two newly elected Council Members filling two of the three At-Large seats.
Two-positions, Council Member District 1 and District 4, will be decided along with the position for Mayor in a run-off election on December 15, 2020. The City Charter requires a majority vote of over 50% to win the Mayor’s seat and the district seats.
Mayor and City Council Districts unofficial results are reported as follows:
Mayor: Runoff between Mayor Joe McComb and Council Member Paulette Guajardo
Council Member at Large: Council Member Michael Hunter, John Martinez and Mike Pusley
Council Member District 1: Runoff between Rachel Ann Caballero and Billy Lerma
Council Member District 2: Council Member Ben Molina
Council Member District 3: Council Member Roland Barrera
Council Member District 4: Runoff between Council Member Greg Smith and Kaylynn Paxson
Council Member District 5: Council Member Gil Hernandez
Early voting in the upcoming runoff election will be held from December 7 through December 11, 2020 with the runoff election held on Tuesday, December 15, 2020.
The inaugural ceremony for all Council Members will be held at the Council Chambers on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, during the regular City Council meeting starting at 11:30 a.m.
The current City Council will be in place through December and will preside over Council meetings on November 10, 17, and December 1 and 8, 2020.
The City Council is the City's Legislative body and is composed of the Mayor, one Member from each of the five Districts, and three At-Large Members. The citizens elect each to a two-year term. Five members constitute a quorum, which is required to conduct City business. The Council appoints the City Manager, City Secretary, City Auditor and Municipal Judges.
The City of Corpus Christi has a Council-Manager form of local government. Policies are set by the Mayor and Council who are elected by the citizens. Policies are implemented by the City Manager.
For more information, contact the City Secretary’s Office at (361) 826-3105.