Voters Approve City’s 2020 $75 Million Bond Program

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – On November 3, 2020 voters approved the City of Corpus Christi’s Bond 2020 Program for a total of $75 million with 42 infrastructure projects. All three propositions passed with over a 70% approval rating demonstrating high confidence in the City’s ability to deliver essential City services and infrastructure projects. The propositions passed on election day include projects for streets, parks, and public safety improvements.

Proposition A (Streets - $61 million) includes 22 projects that focus on the rehabilitation, reconstruction and construction of roadways throughout the city.

Proposition B (Parks - $12 million) includes a total of 18 projects such as replacing aged playground equipment and the design of a pool facility along with providing $3 million for a leverage-match challenge for a new rescue center at the Texas State Aquarium.

Proposition C (Public Safety - $2 million) focuses on two projects including the replacement of fire station #3 at Morgan Street and constructing a new Police Training Academy complex.

City Manager Peter Zanoni said “It is very exciting to see our community continue to invest in itself by voting yes for Bond 2020. Voter approval of the Bond Program was necessary to carry out this much needed work in our City. Our commitment to voters is to deliver these projects in a timely manner, within budget and with high quality.”

The 2020 Bond Program will not require a City property tax rate increase. The bond projects are located across the city with significant infrastructure investment in all five City Council Districts. The funding invested in each of the five City Council Districts are roughly proportional to ensure equity throughout.

The City will release a competitive solicitation for a mass selection of design consultants for the Bond 2020 projects at the end of November. It is anticipated that project design will begin in Spring 2021.

To learn how the 2020 bond programs could improve your neighborhood check out the online version of the bond program guide at

For more information, contact Senior Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at (361) 826-3837 or by email at