Road Closures for the Week of October 31 - November 6, 2020

The Weekly Road Closures includes locations of road construction and events where lane and street closures affect traffic flow along the City’s major streets and lanes. Information on street projects that are part of the City’s Residential Street Rebuild Program (RSRP) can be found online at All closures are subject to change due to weather, emergency work, or other circumstances. The road closures for this coming week are as follows:


Ayers Street Pedestrian Improvement and Turn Lane – South Padre Island Drive (SPID) to Gollihar Road (E15106, Bond 2014)

Northbound Ayers Street is closed at the Crosstown/SPID Interchange (frontage road) intersection. Thru traffic is encouraged to seek alternate routes to access businesses in the area. Ayers Street is also reduced to one-lane, one-way traffic from Gollihar Road to McArdle Road (southbound direction only).

Additionally, RTA bus stops will be closed from Gollihar Road to SPID. Bus stops will remain open at the Port Ayers Transfer Station.

Motorists should expect the following lane closures: 

  • Johanna Street to Crosstown/SPID Interchange (Northbound)– The outside thru lane on Ayers Street will be closed approaching the Crosstown/SPID interchange. This lane closure will continue through the underpass of SPID. This closure will not impact access to the eastbound frontage road.
  • Johanna Street to Crosstown/SPID Interchange (Southbound) - The left turn lane and median openings will be closed.
  • Crosstown/SPID Interchange & Ayers Street Intersection (Northbound) – Northbound Ayers Street will be CLOSED at the Crosstown/SPID Interchange intersection. Motorists must use alternate detour routes such as the SH 286 northbound frontage road, Gollihar Road, Kostoryz Road, or McArdle Road to access local businesses.
  • Crosstown/SPID Interchange to McArdle Road – Ayers Street is CLOSED at McArdle Road to northbound thru traffic only. Thru traffic is required to follow the McArdle Road detour and avoid local and residential side streets. Travel lanes are reduced to one-lane, in both the north and south directions, to provide access to local businesses in the area. 
  • McArdle Road to Gollihar Road (Southbound)- Ayers Street will be reduced to one-lane, one-way traffic flow in the southbound direction only. Access to all local businesses is provided.
  • Ayers Street and Gollihar Road Intersection – The outside thru lane on Ayers Street, in the southbound direction only, will be closed approaching the Gollihar Road intersection.  
  • SH 358 Frontage Road (Eastbound) – The shared thru left turn lane will be closed.

Cimarron Boulevard – Saratoga Boulevard to Wooldridge Road (Sanitary Sewer Repairs)

Contractors will be performing repairs to the sanitary sewer line in the 3000 block of Cimarron Boulevard, between Saratoga Boulevard and Wooldridge Road. Traffic will be reduced to one-lane in each direction within the work zone.

Everhart Road – Holly Road to South Padre Island Drive (SPID) (18014A, Type B)

Contractors are finishing improvements along the west side of Everhart Road Project (Phase 3 & 4) between Holly Road and Corona Drive. Drivers and pedestrians should expect the following traffic changes: 

  • Everhart Road will remain reduced to one-lane, in each direction, between Corona Drive and Holly Road (east side of Everhart Road).
  • The west side of Everhart Road (southbound lanes) is closed for reconstruction from Holly Road to Curtis Clark for construction (Phase 3).
  • Left turns from southbound Everhart Road are restricted at Holly Road, Bonner Drive and Curtis Clark Drive.
  • Left turns from northbound Everhart Road are restricted at Bonner Drive, Curtis Clark Drive and Corona Drive.
  • The west side of the Bonner Drive intersection is closed at Everhart Road.
  • Sidewalks are closed along the westside of Everhart Road from Holly Road to Corona Drive.
  • The intersections of Cobblestone, Coventry, and Curtis Clark will temporarily close when work is occurring at these intersections.

Flato Road – Bates Road to Agnes Street (E15110, Bond 2014)

Flato Road is reduced to one-lane, one-way traffic flow, in the southbound direction between Agnes Street and Bates Road.

Frio Drive, Hacala Street, Dorado Street, Corridor – Greenwood Drive to Martin Drive (E 18019A, Bond 2018)

The corridor is closed along Dorado Street (Hacala Street to Martin Street).

Holly Road – Rodd Field Road to Ennis Joslin Road (Type B)

Holly Road is closed from the intersection at Rodd Field Road to Silver Sands Drive. Traffic is reduced to one-lane, one-way traffic flow, in the eastbound direction between Silver Sands Drive and Ennis Joslin Road. Residents living between Silver Sands Drive and Ennis Joslin Road must use either Silver Sands Drive, Lexington Road, or Ennis Joslin Road to access their homes.

There is also a closure of Holly Road from Ennis Joslin Road to Halcon Street. Motorists traveling eastbound along Holly Road will be detoured northbound or southbound onto Ennis Joslin Road. Two-way traffic will be maintained between Halcon Street and Paul Jones Avenue to allow local access to neighborhoods in the area.

Laguna Shores Road – South Padre Island Drive to Graham Road (E18026A, Bond 2018)

Laguna Shores Road, between South Padre Island Drive and Graham Road, is closed for reconstruction. Motorists are advised to obey construction signs and detours to guide them through the work zone.

Laguna Shores Road – Hustlin’ Hornet Drive to Caribbean Drive (E18024A, Bond 2018)

Laguna Shores Road, between Hustlin’ Hornet Drive to Caribbean Drive, is closed for reconstruction. Motorists are advised to obey construction signs and detours to guide them through the work zone.

Laguna Shores Road – Mediterranean Drive to Wyndale Street (E18025A, Bond 2018)

Laguna Shores Road, between Mediterranean Drive to Wyndale Street, is closed for reconstruction. Motorists are advised to obey construction signs and detours to guide them through the work zone.

Lipes Boulevard – Yorktown Boulevard to Sun Wood Drive (E12101, Bond 2018)

Lipes Boulevard is reduced to one-lane, one-way traffic flow between Queen’s Court and Yorktown Boulevard. Traffic flow will be in the southbound direction only (Queen’s Court to Yorktown Boulevard).  Access onto Lipes Boulevard, off Yorktown Boulevard and Boston Drive, will be prohibited. Motorists are advised to obey construction signs and detours to guide them through the work zone.

Morgan Avenue – South Staples Street to Crosstown Expressway (E12101, Bond 2012) & South Staples Street to Ocean Drive (E13090, Bond 2014)

Morgan Avenue is reduced to one-lane, one-way traffic flow (eastbound towards Spohn Shoreline Hospital). There is a full closure of Morgan Avenue between Third Street and Ocean Drive. Contractors have also established a temporary closure of the intersection on the north side of the intersection at Brownlee Boulevard.

Construction may require intermittent daily closures of local residential streets intersecting Morgan Avenue. Pedestrians should expect sidewalk closures within the construction zone. Motorists are advised to obey warning signs and flaggers which will guide them through the work zone.

Ocean Drive – Ennis Joslin Road to Airline Road

The Ocean Drive Rehabilitation Project (Phase 1) will begin on Monday, November 2, 2020. Ocean Drive will be reduced to one-lane, each direction, on the south side of Ocean Drive (southbound lanes) between Airline Road and Ennis Joslin Road. Left turns from northbound Ocean Drive onto Airline Road will be prohibited. Access to properties within the work zone will be maintained at all times. Motorists are advised to obey warning signs and flaggers which will guide them through the work zone.

Rodd Field Road – Saratoga Boulevard to Yorktown Boulevard (E15112, Bond 2014) - Update

The Contractor is reconstructing the west half of Rodd Field Road. Drivers and pedestrians should expect the following traffic changes:

  • Rodd Field Road, between Saratoga Boulevard and Brooke Road, is TWO-WAY traffic flow.
  • Rodd Field Road, between Brooke Road and Airline Road/Slough Road, is ONE-WAY traffic flow in the NORTHBOUND DIRECTION ONLY.
  • Sidewalks are installed along the east side of Rodd Field between Saratoga Boulevard and Yorktown Boulevard.
  • Rodd Field Road, between Airline Road/Slough Road and Yorktown Boulevard, is CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC to make improvements to Master Channel 31 drainage structures and other roadway improvements. Motorists should continue to follow the existing signage and detour routes along Lipes Boulevard and Cimarron Boulevard.
  • The “free” right turn lane from eastbound Saratoga Boulevard to southbound Rodd Field Road is CLOSED for reconstruction. Right turns onto southbound Rodd Field Road are permitted only at the signalized intersection.
  • Contractors have provided a lane for WESTBOUND travel across the intersection of Rodd Field Road and Slough Road. The traffic signal at the intersection will remain in flash mode.
  • Travel lanes along Yorktown Boulevard are open to allow motorists to travel on both sides of the median. The traffic signal at the intersection will remain in flash mode.

Ropes Street (18157A ID/IQ)

Contractor will continue with flagger operations along Ropes Street from Santa Fe Street to Alameda Street to rehabilitate sanitary sewer lines, manhole structures, and street repairs.

Sunnybrook Sidewalk Improvements – Ayers Street to Evelyn Street (CDBG - 18153A)

Sunnybrook Road is reduced to ONE-LANE, ONE-WAY EASTBOUND traffic flow, between Evelyn Street and Ayers Street. Motorists traveling westbound from Ayers Street are encouraged to follow the detour along Mansheim Boulevard. Motorists are advised to obey warning signs and detour signs that will guide them around the work zone.

Street Preventative Maintenance Program - 18135A Various Arterial Streets

The City Contractor is performing street preventative maintenance construction, which will include lane closures, along the following arterial streets:

  • Ayers Street – Clemmer Street to Edwards Street.
  • Everhart Road - Clinton Drive to Aberdeen Avenue.
  • Trojan Drive - Greenwood Drive to Castenon Street.

Various lane closures will be implemented within project limits. Motorists are advised to obey construction warning signs and expect delays.


802 Caranchua Street (Western Specialty Contractors)

Contractor will implement sidewalk closures to perform exterior work on the Frost Bank Building. Sidewalk closures will be in place along Tancahua Street, Buffalo Street and Antelope Street.

McBride Lane (Progressive Pipeline Construction, LLC)

McBride Lane between Eden Lane and Up River Road will be closed to perform utility work beginning Tuesday, November 3, 2020. The closure is expected to last five days.

723 North Upper Broadway Street (Camacho)

A Contractor will be performing work at 723 North Upper Broadway. The work is expected to begin Saturday, October 31, 2020 and will require a right lane closure along Upper Broadway for three days. Following this work, the Contractor will implement a full closure along Antelope Street for an additional three days.

Greenwood (TxDOT Emergency Utility Work)

Utility Contractor will continue to implement the following lane closures:

Southbound Greenwood Drive: Motorists traveling southbound on Greenwood Drive will be forced to turn right on the access road and motorists going straight will have to detour using the turnaround at West Point Road.

Northbound Greenwood Drive: Motorists traveling northbound on Greenwood Drive will be reduced to one-lane.

Staples Street (AEP)

AEP will be performing preventative maintenance to existing infrastructure between Burnham Street and South Padre Island Drive (SPID). The work is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 (Phase 1). Motorists should expect to see various lane closures along Staples Street and side streets within the work zones. Work zones are split into the following five construction phases:

  • Phase 1: Burnham Street to Cain Drive.
  • Phase 2: Cain Drive to Bonner Drive.
  • Phase 3: Bonner Drive to Curtis Clark Drive.
  • Phase 4: Curtis Clark Drive to Williams Drive.
  • Phase 5: Williams Drive to South Padre Island Drive (SPID).

Phase 1 is expected to last one day. Phase 2 thru Phase 5 is expected to last four days each.