BOND 2018 – Public Input: Laguna Shores Road
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – A public input opportunity will be held for the construction phase of the Bond 2018, Laguna Shores Road construction project. This project includes 3 segments: Graham Road to South Padre Island Drive (S.P.I.D), Hustlin Hornet Drive to Caribbean Drive, and Mediterranean Drive to Wyndale Street. These projects will be funded by the 2018 Bond Program with a total project value of $16.5 million dollars.
The project is anticipated to take about 17 months and will be overseen by two different contractors. The contractor on segment 1 will be Mako Contracting, LLC and HAAS-Anderson Construction will be the contractor for segments 2 & 3. The scope for the three segments includes:
Segment 1: Graham Road to South Padre Island Drive
Project includes the reconstruction, elevation and widening of approximately 3,100 linear feet of Laguna Shores Road from Graham Road to S.P.I.D. The existing 2-lane roadway will receive a new shoulder addition and the placement of concrete blocks to protect against wave action. Utility improvements include drainage expansion at O'Neill Channel, water, and wastewater infrastructure. Mitigation of environmental impacts will include hydrologic restoration of Redhead Pond and protective marsh planting installation.
Segment 2: Hustlin Hornet Drive to Caribbean Drive
Project includes the reconstruction, elevation, and widening of approximately 5,100 linear feet of Laguna Shores Road from Hustlin Hornet Drive to Caribbean Drive. The existing 2-lane roadway will receive a new shoulder addition and the placement of concrete blocks to protect against wave action. Utility improvements include drainage expansion at Beasley and Van Galen Channels, water, and wastewater infrastructure replacement and rehabilitation.
Segment 3: Mediterranean Drive to Wyndale Street
Project includes the reconstruction, elevation, and widening of approximately 5,400 linear feet of Laguna Shores Road from Mediterranean Drive to Wyndale Street. The existing 2-lane roadway will receive a new shoulder addition and the placement of concrete blocks to protect against wave action. Utility improvements include drainage expansion at Yorktown Channel and replacement and rehabilitation of water and wastewater infrastructure
Due to COVID-19 and the limits on public gatherings the Engineering Services Department is providing the public the opportunity to view the exhibits, review important information about the project and give public comment online. For further information please visit
For more information media representatives can contact Sr. Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or by email at