Community Input Wanted for Flour Bluff Area Development Plan

What:              Flour Area Development Plan Online Community Meeting

When:             6:00 pm, Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Where:            Online. Link to Join Zoom Meeting and Toll-Free Phone Number Will Be Posted to the Project Website –

                        Or watch the live broadcast on Facebook:

Who:               City Planning Department

                        Freese and Nichols Planning Team

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - In adherence with Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s declaration of a public health emergency and public safety guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the City of Corpus Christi is hosting the Flour Bluff Area Development Plan Community Meeting as an online meeting. Instructions for accessing the online meeting will be posted to the project website and emailed out to everyone that has signed-up to receive project updates.

Freese and Nichols will give an online presentation about the project at 6:00 p.m. and participants will be able to submit their questions and provide feedback in writing through the webinar platform and Facebook.

Residents and stakeholders are also asked to give their input through the online Community Open House platform available between October 7 and October 21, 2020 at

Help shape the future of Flour Bluff! The Planning Department and Freese and Nichols planning team would like to hear your thoughts on future development and opportunities to improve area infrastructure and facilities. Your questions and ideas will help guide the plan’s recommendations, including policies, future development, and infrastructure investments for Flour Bluff.

To learn more about the project and sign up for updates about project meetings and materials, please visit

* The Facebook Live broadcast could be delayed due to other scheduled City broadcasts. If you are unable to join us for the live webcast, a digital recording of the meeting as well as a PDF of the presentation will be posted to the project website after the meeting.

FB Area Dev Plan 9-11-20 Comm Meeting