“Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront” Postponed Due to Predicted Showers and Thunderstorms
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – “Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront” scheduled for this Saturday, September 5, at The Water’s Edge, 402 S. Shoreline Boulevard is postponed due to predicted showers and thunderstorms.
Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront will resume on Saturday, September 12, 2020 from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Online Registration for the 5K and Fitness Classes is now open. The City invites everyone to take advantage of the free 5K, FITNESS LANE, CLASSES and KIDS ZONE at The Water’s Edge.
Play It Safe! COVID-19 safety measures will continue to be implemented for the safety of all participants. The public is reminded to wear face masks if unable to maintain 6 feet of physical distance. Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout the activity area. In addition, participants are encouraged to bring their own face coverings, yoga mat and water, as appropriate, for their workout.
To learn more about Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront, visit www.cctexas.com/safefunfit.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SafeFunFit.cctx/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/safefunfit.cctx/
For more information, media representatives can contact Lisa Oliver, Community Relations & Engagement Superintendent, at 361-826-3132 or by email at lisao@cctexas.com.