Fall 2020 High School Baseball League Registration Is Open

Register Online Now Through September 27

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Corpus Christi Park & Recreation Department will offer its Fall 2020 High School Baseball League from October 5–November 8, 2020. This is a team concept league that is limited to 15 players per team. Two boy divisions are eligible to participate; (18 & Under Varsity Division) and (16 & Under Sub Varsity Division).

Players will gain a better understanding of baseball and improve their skills through weekly practice and competition against other teams. Valuable life skills will also be learned through this structured team sport.

New safety protocols: As we return to play, our goal is to continue to provide the best sporting and recreational opportunities for the residents of our community. In order to do so, we encourage parents, athletes, coaches, and all our guests to join us in returning to play responsibly by learning our new ground rules. New rules include staggered games and start times; no sharing of equipment, unless properly sanitized; expanded dugouts to allow for social distancing; participants are not required to wear face covering while in field of play but may be worn if desired. For a complete list of COVID-19 safety protocols, visit Play It Safe COVID-19 Updates.

REGISTER ONLINE now through September 20 for $550/team. LATE ONLINE REGISTRATION will be held from September 21–27, 2020, for $575/team. The team fee includes the umpire fees, but not the team shirts.

For more information, call the Athletics Office at (361) 826-3588 or visit www.ccparkandrec.com (SPORTS).

Reasonable accommodations are provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, please call (361) 826-3478 at least 48 hours in advance.

The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department is dedicated to providing quality, affordable, enrichment programs for all ages and interests. For more information about the wide variety of programs and services offered by the department, visit www.ccparkandrec.com. We invite everyone to Live. Learn. Play! 
