“After Hour Kid Power” After School Program Offered by City
New Name, New Sign Up Process for 2020-2021
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation Department wants to inform the public of its new after school program name, “After Hour Kid Power” (formerly named Latchkey), with a new sign-up process for the 2020-2021 school year.
This program is ideal for working parents or guardians that are seeking a safe and convenient location where their children will be supervised after school. The program starts on September 8, 2020, Monday – Friday from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m., in conjunction with the Corpus Christi and Calallen Independent School Districts schedules.
The program aims to help children build positive self-esteem through their involvement in a wide-range of activities which include recreational and fitness skills. All program staff are trained in child development and certified in CPR and First Aid. The program is licensed by the Texas Health and Human Services.
Additionally, a new safety protocol will be offered this year as we Play it Safe due to COVID-19. All children will have their temperatures taken at the door prior to entering. Parents will be required to pick up their children outside of the facility. Additional restrictions and safety guidelines which will be implemented and are listed at www.ccparkandrec.com.
Online sign up begins Monday, August 17, 2020 at 9 a.m. and closes Friday, August 21, 2020 at 6pm for Corpus Christi and Calallen ISD. To register: visit www.ccparkandrec.com, click on ‘Register Online’ to be added to the interest list for the school of your choice.
- Please note that by adding your information to the interest list you are NOT guaranteed a position for the school year until you receive a phone call from the “After Hour Kid Power” program with further instructions.
- Use the drop-down menu on our registration page to select the school your child will attend.
- Submit your contact information, the number of spaces you wish to reserve, and if you will or have been approved for TWC assistance.
- No payment is required at this time.
- The system will generate a time stamp that will allow us to determine who to call first starting August 26, 2020.
- Once you receive our phone call, you will have 48 hours to complete registration and make payment to secure your child’s spot.
Site availability will be determined by the number of participants registered and staff available for the following schools:
Calallen ISD:
- Calallen East Elementary, 3709 Lott Avenue (78410)
- Magee Elementary, 4201 Calallen Drive (78410)
- Wood River Elementary, 15118 Dry Creek Drive (78410)
Corpus Christi ISD:
- Barnes Elementary, 2829 Oso Parkway (78414)
- Berlanga Elementary, 4120 Carroll Lane (78411)
- Calk-Wilson Elementary, 3925 Fort Worth Street (78411)
- Club Estates Elementary, 5222 Merganser Drive (78413)
- Dawson Elementary, 6821 Sanders Drive (78413)
- Galvan Elementary, 3126 Masterson Drive (78415)
- Garcia Elementary, 1945 Gollihar Road (78416)
- Hicks Elementary, 3602 McArdle Road (78415)
- Houston Elementary, 363 Norton Street (78415)
- Jones Elementary, 7533 Lipes Boulevard (78413)
- Kolda Elementary, 3730 Rodd Field Road (78414)
- Meadowbrook Elementary, 901 Meadowbrook Drive (78412)
- Menger Elementary, 2401 S. Alameda Street (78404)
- Metro-E, 1707 Ayers Street (78404)
- Mireles Elementary, 7658 Cimarron Boulevard (78414)
- Montclair Elementary, 5241 Kentner Street (78412)
- Moore Elementary, 6121 Durant Drive (78414)
- Sanders Elementary, 4102 Republic Drive (78413)
- Schanen Elementary, 5717 Killarmet Drive (78413)
- Smith Elementary, 6902 Williams Drive (78412)
- Webb Elementary, 6953 Boardwalk Avenue (78414)
- Windsor Park Elementary, 4525 S. Alameda (78412)
- Woodlawn Elementary, 1110 Woodlawn Drive (78412)
- Yeager Elementary, 5414 Tripoli Drive (78411)
Program Monthly Fees:
- Corpus Christi ISD: $97/month/first child, $87/month/each additional child. (The CCISD fees include an additional $10 fee per child for the use of CCISD facilities)
- Calallen ISD: $87/month/first child, $77/month/each additional child.
- Tuition assistance is available for qualified participants.
Parents may request reasonable accommodations for their child with disabilities by contacting Mickela Hernandez at (361) 826-3486. For more information about the program, call (361) 826-3499.
The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department is dedicated to providing quality, affordable, enrichment programs for all ages and interests. For more information about the wide variety of programs and services offered by the department, visit www.ccparkandrec.com. We invite everyone to Live. Learn. Play!