Bay Beaches, Regional Parks, City Pools, and Splash Pads Resume Operations (with State mandated occupancy limitations)
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – All Regional Parks, splash pads, and Bay Beaches (North Beach and McGee Beach) will reopen Saturday, August 1, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. in accordance to Governor Abbots Reopen Texas restrictions. Gulf Beaches will remain closed to vehicle traffic as per the extension of restrictions by Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales until August 17, 2020.
Information on schedules for City pools is available on the City’s website at The Corpus Christi Natatorium will remain closed due to damage sustained during Hurricane Hanna.
City Pools reopening Saturday, August 1:
West Guth
Regional Parks reopening Saturday, August 1:
Bill Witt Park
West Guth Park
Manuel Q. Salinas Park
The Water’s Edge
Cole Park
Labonte Park
Lakeview Park
Parker Park
City Splash Pads reopening Saturday, August 1:
Bill Witt Park
Lindale Park
Manuel Q. Salinas Park