City Council Approves Bond 2020 Program Project List
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Today the City Council passed a Resolution approving a list of street, parks, and public safety projects for the $75 million Bond 2020 Program to be considered by the voters on November 3. The Bond Program will not require a property tax rate increase. The City Council will consider an Ordinance calling for the November Bond 2020 election on Tuesday, August 11.
The City of Corpus Christi has biennially approved and implemented two-year General Obligation Bond programs that consist of citywide infrastructure projects that are approved by the voters. It has been anticipated that this cycle would continue with Bond 2020.
City Staff has spent the last several months developing a project list from needs identified, in part, within the City’s 10-year Capital Improvement Plan. The 42 projects to be considered by voters include $61 million in Street improvements, $12 million in Park improvements, and $2 million for Public Safety projects.
For a complete list of the Bond 2020 Projects, residents can view today’s council presentation at
For more information media representatives can contact Sr. Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or by email at