City Manager Peter Zanoni Delivers Proposed 2021 Annual Operating and Capital Budgets
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Earlier today, City Manager Peter Zanoni presented the City Council with the City $1 Billion 2021 Proposed Annual Operating and Capital Budgets at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The annual budget is balanced, addresses City Council and community priorities, focuses on public safety, streets, establishes a storm water fee and is consistent with City Council approved financial policies.
The city general fund budget of $265 Million represents a 2% decrease from the 2020 Adopted Budget of $271 Million due the ongoing COVID-19 virus and impact on the economy.
Highlights of the proposed 2021 Budget include:
- $78 Million in street maintenance and reconstruction
- Mill/Overlay all of Shoreline Blvd/Ocean Drive – 14 miles.
- $1M to provide maintenance for City concrete streets
- $300K for increased pavement markings
- Funding five new police officers; second year of plan to add 25 by fiscal year 2024
- Phase 2 of radio equipment purchase of 854 public safety radios
- New police academy scheduled in July 2021
- Replacement of three medic units, two fire engines and one aerial truck
- Replacement of all 140 self-contained breathing apparatus
- $360K increase in contribution to the Firefighter retirement system
- New Fire Academy in January 2021
Code Enforcement
- Two additional neighborhood code enforcement officers
- Brings staffing to 23 officers
- Additional hours for Library Aides and Library Assistants
- Increase custodial hours to maintain cleaner facilities
Parks & Recreation
- Funding for maintenance of three new splash pads opened in early summer, 2020
Solid Waste
- Begin organic waste composting program to decrease landfill volume
- Five solid waste recycling inspectors to reduce contamination of recyclables
Health District
- Comprehensive assessment and creation of strategic plan
- City credit rating upgraded from A+ to AA- as well as Moody’s from A1 to A3
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) completed with positive result
- Addition of Utilities Liaison position and redirected funding for a Grant Manager position
Information Technology
- Continue work on City Enterprise Network infrastructure to increase reliability, security, and network speeds
- Centralized Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Creation of security operations center
- Storm water rate structure proposed for April 2021
- Rate decrease for Water to offset Storm Water Fee in April 2021
- No rate change for Wastewater
- No rate change for Natural Gas
The City will hold virtual public meetings in each district to solicit input from residents on the proposed budget. The virtual meetings will be held online via WebEx, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, and on CCTV. The meetings will provide brief opening remarks and a budget video with most of the time reserved for a question and answer session.
All meetings begin at 6 p.m. for the following dates:
- Monday, August 10 District 1
- Wednesday, August 12 District 2
- Thursday, August 13 District 3
- Monday, August 17 District 4
- Wednesday, August 19 District 5
The 2021 Proposed Budget in its entirety can be found at: