Latchkey Summer Camp at Lindale Senior Center Temporarily Closed After One Staff Tests Positive for COVID-19 Exposure
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation is notifying families that an employee working at the Lindale Senior Center, Latchkey Summer Camp, tested positive for COVID-19 today. The employee may have had contact with your child. However, the employee was wearing a mask the entire time they had contact with the children and the employee left work as soon as they started feeling sick on June 24, 2020. The employee did not return to work after they left on June 24. All classrooms at the Latchkey Summer Camp are cleaned and sanitized frequently throughout the day and employees wash their hands throughout the day.
At the recommendation of Corpus Christi - Nueces County Public Health District and out of an abundance of caution, the Latchkey Summer Camp at the Lindale Senior Center will be closed for 14 days and is expected to reopen Monday, July 13, 2020. It is also recommended that your child self-quarantine for 14 days from the last time your child may have come in contact with the positive employee, which was June 24, 2020. The end of the recommended 14-day quarantine period is on Wednesday, July 8. Children being quarantined will not be permitted to attend another latchkey program during the quarantine period. The curbside senior meals served at the Lindale Senior Center are not impacted and will continue from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The Lindale Senior Center will be deep cleaned prior to being reopened on Monday, July 13. Latchkey Program staff will continue to wear personal protective equipment, will continue to monitor body temperature daily, and will continue to follow preventative protocols in operating a childcare facility as outlined by the federal and state guidelines. The Latchkey Program is licensed by Texas Health and Human Services.
The City of Corpus Christi is committed to ensuring the safety of all participants and will take necessary action to protect them and their families, personnel and the community.
If parents or guardians have already paid for the weeks the program is closed, a refund can be issued or applied as a credit towards the balance when program reopens. A notification letter will also be available to present to employer, if needed.