National Waste & Recycling Workers Week
Honoring City Sanitation Employees
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The role of waste management goes beyond garbage collection. City sanitation workers provide a variety of services and programs to keep our community clean and safe. They gather recycling, pick up brush and bulky items, operate the J.C. Elliott Collection Center and City landfills, offer solid waste education at local school districts and much more.
National Waste and Recycling Workers Week runs from June 17 to June 24 and is a chance for these City employees to be recognized. Earlier today at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Joe McComb honored sanitation staff by reading a proclamation.
The Solid Waste Services Department created a Texas-sized “Thank You” card for all to sign, in acknowledgement of their dedication. The card will be on display through Friday, June 19, in the City Hall atrium.
A social media campaign is underway with posts providing information on how these sanitation crews keep our city clean and healthy all year long.
Facebook: @ccwasteplace
Media representatives requesting more information may contact, Public Information Manager DeAnna McQueen at 361-826-2940 or by email at