City Council Approves $13.7 Million in Street Repair Contracts for 34 Streets and Accepts $1.3 Million in Grants
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Earlier today at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting, the Mayor and City Council awarded $13.7 Million in contracts for 34 street repair projects. The projects are part of the Residential Street Rebuild Program (RSRP) and most of the contracts were awarded to local companies.
The construction contracts were part of larger voter-approved street improvement program for maintenance or reconstruction of residential streets. This action approves construction contracts for 34 out of 60 residential streets. For more information about the City of Corpus Christi’s street improvement plan visit
Additional action included $1.3 Million for seven grants. Two were COVID-19 related as part of emergency supplemental funding for police and fire operations. The grants will fund overtime, equipment and supplies related to the COVID-19 virus response. Other actions included approval of grant applications related to auto theft and beach cleaning.
The City Council also funded an additional $500,000 to give more Corpus Christi businesses impacted by COVID-19 an opportunity to take advantage of the interest free loans. The program in phase 1 & 2 has assisted over 127 local businesses. For more information about the LiftFund, Inc. and the program, contact or 888-215-2373.
The City Council meetings can be viewed live on the YouTube Channel CCTVCorpusChristi, Spectrum Channel 1300, Grande Channel 20, or online at