Ayers Street Pedestrian Improvements & Turn Lane Project

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Beginning Tuesday, March 24, 2020, Contractors will begin the first phase of improvements along Ayers Street. The first phase will require the following lane closures and traffic changes:

  • Johanna Street to SPID (Northbound)– The inside thru lane on Ayers Street will be closed approaching the SPID intersection. This lane closure will continue through the underpass of SPID.
  • Johanna Street to SPID (Southbound) - The left turn lane and median openings will be closed.
  • SPID to McArdle Road – Ayers Street will be reduced to one lane in each direction. Northbound Ayers Street will be closed at the McArdle Road intersection. Due to the reduced lanes, left turns will be prohibited. Access to all local businesses is provided. Thru traffic, in the northbound direction, must follow the McArdle Road detour or seek alternate routes to avoid delays. 
  • McArdle Road to Gollihar Road– Ayers Street will be reduced to one lane, one-way traffic flow in the southbound direction only. Access to all local businesses is provided.
  • Ayers Street and Gollihar Road Intersection – The outside thru lane on Ayers Street, in the southbound direction only, will be closed approaching the Gollihar Road intersection.  
  • SH 358 Frontage Road (Eastbound) – The dedicated left turn lane will be closed.

Additional information about the project can be found on our website www.cctexas.com/ayers.

For more information media representatives can contact Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or by email at melaniel@cctexas.com.