Cancellations for City Board and Commission Meetings
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - The City would like to inform residents about changes to upcoming Board and Commission Meetings.
The City believes it is in the community’s best interest to adhere to public safety guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which include postponing large group gatherings.
All Board and Commission meetings as well as all City-sponsored community input meetings are canceled through Friday, March 27, 2020
Exceptions to this cancelation decision include the next meeting of the following Boards and Commissions:
- Corpus Christi Business & Job Development Corporation (Type A) – 3/16
- Corpus Christi B Corporation (Type B) – 3/16
- Reinvestment Zone #4 (North Beach) – 3/17
- Planning Commission – 3/18 (*only written public comment will be allowed.)
- Corpus Christi Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) – 3/19
- Corpus Christi Downtown Management District (DMD) 3/19
- Reinvestment Zone #3 (Downtown) – 3/24
- Charter Review Ad Hoc Committee – 3/27
City Council Meetings are scheduled to continue with adjustments made to all public comment portions of the meeting allowing only written testimony submitted prior to the meeting. The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17.
Nueces County Commissioners Court has a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, March 18 at 9:00 AM. At that meeting, the Commissioners Court will address the meeting schedule for their respective boards and commissions.
Reasonable accommodtions are provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, please call 361-826-3312.
For further information media representatives can contact Tracey Cantu, Communication Assistant Director, at 361-826-3312, or by email at