Mayor McComb Declares a Local State of Disaster due to a Public Health Emergency for the City of Corpus Christi
Declaration allows City to become eligible for Federal and State Emergency Assistance
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Earlier today, Mayor Joe McComb signed a local State of Disaster declaration due to a public health emergency in Corpus Christi effective immediately. City Council will consider extending the State of Disaster declaration at the Tuesday, March 17, 2020 City Council meeting. The declaration enables the City of Corpus Christi to become eligible to seek emergency assistance in response to impacts of Coronavirus commonly known as COVID-19.
Both President Donald Trump and Governor Greg Abbott issued National and State emergency declarations earlier today allowing federal and state assistance to areas affected by COVID-19 as it continues to impact the United States.
Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales and the Nueces County Commissioners Court also issued a County public health emergency declaration at an emergency meeting at the Nueces County Commissioners Court late this afternoon.
A public health emergency declaration assists federal, state and local government in securing supplies, equipment, and funding to respond to and recover from emergencies.