Serve Corpus Christi – Make a Difference
April 2020 & Upcoming Vacancies
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - The City of Corpus Christi has numerous boards, commissions and committees which strive to reflect the diverse interests and abilities of our citizens.
The City Secretary’s Office is currently seeking applications for the following boards:
- Airport Board
- Board of Adjustment
- Corpus Christi Commission on Children & Youth
- Transportation Advisory Committee
- Human Relations Commission
If you know of anyone interested in serving on a City board, commission or committee, please direct them to the City of Corpus Christi’s website at For assistance, please call Norma Duran at (361) 826-3893 or via e-mail at
(NEW POLICY: All individuals considered for appointment by the City Council to a board, commission or committee must have an application on file in the Office of the City Secretary not later than the 14TH calendar day before the date appointments are considered by City Council.)