Taking Health Care on the Road in New WIC Mobile Unit
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Public Health District’s Women, Infants, and Children program office (WIC) will serve more clients soon, thanks to a new clinic on wheels.
Today Public Health Director Annette Rodriguez, representatives from Nueces County, and members of the WIC staff celebrated the mobile unit’s arrival with a ribbon cutting.
The new mobile clinic will improve WIC’s outreach by offering services to more people in need in outlying areas of the city and county. It will also assist families with limited transportation access and for those unable to visit the WIC clinic during business hours.
The vehicle, worth more than $92,000, is furnished with a lab and equipment to complete height, weight, and iron screenings, computer outlets, and a privacy partition.
The Community Action Agency in partnership with the Texas Department of Health and Human Services purchased 20 mobile clinic busses which were donated to different agencies throughout the State.
The WIC mobile unit’s first location visit will be Tuesday, January 14, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Coastal Bend Wellness and Medical Center, 2882 Holly Road. Other locations will be announced soon.
WIC is an income-based program providing Electronic Benefit Cards (EBT) for food, referrals for prenatal care and infant development resources, vouchers for breastfeeding peer counselors, and other health and social services.