Wastewater Winter Quarter Averaging Underway

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi wants to remind residents, the period to calculate the residential wastewater charge is underway. The wastewater winter quarter averaging started in December and will be calculated for a period of three consecutive cycles.

Keep in mind, every customer has a different service period. This information can be found on the second page of your utility bill under meter information or by calling 826-CITY (2489). For example, if your cycle starts on the 22nd of each month, your average will be calculated from December 22, 2019 through March 21, 2020.

Winter Quarter Averaging (WQA) is a method of calculating wastewater charges based on the average amount of water used at your residence during three consecutive billing cycles over the winter months. Wastewater charges on your bill will be the same each month until a new average is calculated.

Wastewater Winter Quarter Average only applies to residential customers. The change will be reflected in your monthly city services bill by June 2020.

For additional information and FAQ’s, please visit: www.cctexas.com/winteraveraging

For more information, contact Public Information Officer Gabriela Morrow at 361-826-3583 or by email at GabrielaM@cctexas.com