Parkland Restoration at Hans & Pat Suter Wildlife Refuge and Blucher Park to begin January 6th
Removing Invasive Trees and Grasses to Improve Natural Habitat
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department will begin restoring its two nature parks, the Hans & Pat Suter Wildlife Refuge and Blucher Park. Funds for the Suter Wildlife Refuge restoration are in part by utilizing a CITGO grant in addition to City funding. The parkland restoration at Hans & Pat Suter Wildlife Refuge, located at 909 Ennis Joslin Road, (map) will enhance the native landscape by selective clearing of invasive plant populations from the 72-acre park. The restoration at Blucher Park, 100 Carrizo (map), will also focus gaining control of non-native invasive tree populations which will regain value of its resources to neotropical migrating bird populations. The work will begin January 6th and continue for approximately five weeks at each location, weather permitting. The parks will remain open and we request park visitors to be aware of cautionary signage and temporary barriers in the work vicinity of hand crews to maintain public safety.
The focus is to create a balanced, safe, beautiful and all-encompassing natural resource that may be utilized fully by wildlife, residents and Corpus Christi’s eco-tourism driven economy. Restoring the native landscape will be a long-term process with efforts to continue indefinitely.
The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department and American Conservation Experience, a non-profit organization which assists land managers in resolving land management issues and provides transferable and professional experience to young adults passionate in resource management, have partnered to restore Hans & Pat Suter Wildlife Refuge’s native landscape.
For more information, call (361) 826-PLAY or visit (Parks & Development).
The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department is dedicated to providing quality, affordable enrichment programs for all ages and interests. For more information about the wide variety of programs and services offered by the department, visit We invite everyone to Live. Learn. Play!