Operation Heat Help Applications Accepted Beginning December 1

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – It is the time of year to light the fireplace, turn on the heater and cuddle under blankets to keep the cold away. Unfortunately, many people in our area do not have the resources to heat their homes. The City of Corpus Christi Gas Department and Utility Business Office, with assistance from the Nueces County Department of Social Services is proud to bring Operation Heat Help to assist those among us in need. 

This annual program was developed to provide assistance to the community by covering the gas portion of a customer’s utility bill from November 2019 to February 2020, up to $100 per household, for those that qualify. 

Applications and program guidelines are available at the Nueces County Department of Social Services located at 602 N. Staples Street, Suite 180 (in the RTA Building). All applicants must present a utility bill, valid form of identification, proof of all household income including child support, TANF and SSI for the past 30 days and copies of checks and award letters relating to other family resources. Applications will be accepted December 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020.

Funds are limited, and awards are given to those who qualify on a first come, first serve basis. For more information, contact Energy and Marketing Representative Amanda Moody at 361-885-6923 or by email at amandam4@cctexas.com. 

2019-20 Operation Heat Help Income Guidlines