Senior Companions Serve Local Emergency Service Dispatchers for 9/11 National Day of Service
Photo Opportunity
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Local Senior Companions will join hundreds of thousands of volunteers across America to mark September 11th as National Day of Service and Remembrance by delivering baked goods to local emergency service dispatchers of the Corpus Christi Police Department located at 321 John Sartain Street from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Wednesday, September 11, and Thursday, September 12, 2019.
“September 11, 2001, is a day that no one will ever forget,” said, Jeannine Leal, Director of the Senior Companion Program (SCP). “For many Americans, like our Senior Companions, the anniversary of this national tragedy is a day of service for others.”
September 11th was designated a national day of service by Congress in 2009. The Corporation for National and Community Service leads the annual event, working with and hundreds of businesses, nonprofit groups, faith-based organizations, and schools nationwide. On this day, Americans across the country are called to volunteer in their local communities in tribute to the individuals lost and injured in the attacks, first responders, and the many who have risen in service to defend freedom.
Emergency services dispatcher was just recently added to the Texas legislatures’ definition of first responders when it passed HB1090.
Senior Companions are volunteers age 55 and older who make a difference in our local community by providing assistance and friendship to adults who have difficulty with daily living tasks. This service helps individuals remain independent in their homes. The companions give families or professional caregivers much needed time off from their duties to run errands and often provide friendship for their clients. To learn more about the Senior Companion Program, visit our website, or contact SCP Director Jeannine Leal at (361) 826-3154.