City Reminder for Residents with Outstanding Utility Accounts
Disconnection Grace Period EXTENDED Through June 30
CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS – Residents with delinquent utility accounts have more time to resolve or set up a payment plan with the City before utility disconnections for non-payment resume. The grace period has been extended through the end of June.
Last summer, the City stopped disconnections after finding issues with equipment used to provide billing information for utility services including water, wastewater, gas, garbage and street fees.
Payments may be made as follows:
· H-E-B Store locations in Corpus Christi
· Mail – using the provided envelope with return stub, send to:
o Address: City of Corpus Christi
PO Box 659880
San Antonio, Texas 78265-9143
· Online bill pay service available via your bank or credit union
· Interactive phone payment system (361) 885-0751
· Online Payment Portal:
o Please be sure to have your account number (found statement) to pay your bill.
· In person at City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 (1st floor)
For information regarding your utility bill, please contact the Customer Call Center at (361) 826-CITY (2489) or by email at
As always, the City of Corpus Christi strives to provide the best customer service, and we thank you for your continued cooperation.
Media representatives can contact Peter Collins, Interim Director of Information Technology, at 361-826-3735 or by email at