Kick Off Your Child’s Summer with Indoor Soccer

Register Online Now for the Youth Indoor Soccer League

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – We are offering soccer with a twist…it’s indoors for a more comfortable experience. The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department has the answer to beat our South Texas heat with its Summer 2019 Youth Indoor Soccer League! Girls and boys ages 7-14 (as of July 8, 2019) are eligible to participate in this league. The eight-game season will run from July 8–30, 2019. This is a four-week program with two games per week played on Mondays and Tuesdays. 

We will introduce your children to the fundamentals of indoor soccer (futsal) or help them take it up a notch. Players will learn to pass, ball control, positioning, plays, strategies and other important skills of the game. Your child will gain a better understanding of the sport through weekly practice, and games. We encourage everyone to incorporate recreational sports for a healthy and active lifestyle.

REGISTER ONLINE now through June 16, 2019, at for $80/youth. LATE ONLINE REGISTRATION will be offered from June 17–23, 2019 for $105/youth. Register early to avoid the late fee!

For more information, please contact the Athletics Office at (361) 826-3588 or visit (SPORTS). We invite everyone to Live. Learn. Play!

Soccer League Flyer