Local Government Channel to Broadcast Council Members interviewing City Manager Finalists
April 15, 2019
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – If you want to watch the Mayor and City Council interview the city manager finalists, you can view it in its entirety on CCTV, the City’s municipal television channel.
On Tuesday, April 16, from 10 a.m. to noon, CCTV will show the interviews live.
CCTV can be found on the following TV channels:
Spectrum 1300
Grande Channel 20
AT&T U-verse Channel 99
CCTV also streams online 24/7 from the City website at www.cctexas.com or you may watch on the City’s YouTube channel www.YouTube.com/user/cctvcorpuschristi or on the City’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/citygov. For more information contact the City of Corpus Christi Communication Department at (361) 826-3211.