Analyze This – What’s in Your Soil?
Photo Opportunity
What: Soil Sampling Demonstration
When: Friday, March 29, 11:00 a.m
Where: Xeriscape Garden, 1900 N. Chaparral
(Next to Museum of Science and History)
Who: City of Corpus Christi’s Stormwater Division
Texas A&M AgriLife
Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Want to create the perfect conditions for your spring garden? Excess fertilizer is not always a good thing and can create harmful stormwater runoff. To keep your plants blooming and the bays clear, find out why it’s important to use the right amount of fertilizer on your lawns and gardens, and how you can get your soil tested for FREE during this year’s soil monitoring program.
Reasonable accommodations are provided upon request and in accordance with the American Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, please call 361-826-3583 at least 48 hours in advance.
For more information contact Public Information Officer Gabriela Morrow at 361-826-3583 or by email at