Got Spring Break Fever? Head to Our Beaches!

Don’t’ Forget Your 2019 Beach Parking Permit!

Corpus Christi, TX – It’s time to shed that heavy winter coat and close the books – SPRING BREAK is almost here! And if you’re like most people, you have sunny beaches with surf and sand on your mind.

We are looking forward to visitors heading to our Corpus Christi beaches for a fun getaway!

The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department advises beach visitors to buy their 2019 Beach Parking Permit before getting on the island. The permits are available at various locations in the city and on the beach. The permit will give you access to miles and miles of our local gulf beaches and is required on designated areas where posted. Display the sticker on your vehicle—it is your ticket to fun! The permit is only $12 and is good until December 31, 2019.

Permits are sold on the beach every day during Spring Break and year-round at the following locations:

  • Stripes

  • H-E-B (Aransas Pass, Corpus Christi, Portland & Rockport)

  • Walmart (Flour Bluff & Aransas Pass)

  • Academy Sports (Corpus Christi & Portland)

  • Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi/ITT Department

  • Corpus Christi Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Nueces County Padre Balli Park Headquarters Office

  • Dick’s Sporting Goods

  • CVS Pharmacy (Padre Island location only)

  • TAMUCC (University Services)

  • Central Cashiering at Corpus Christi City Hall

  • CC Cycle Plaza (Island and SPID)

  • Circle K (Padre Island location only)

  • Murphy Oil USA (Alice, Aransas Pass, Corpus Christi, Portland & Rockport)

Please “Remember to Be Beach Smart” —safety first, swim with caution, and please observe and follow all posted signs. Help us keep our beaches clean and beautiful for everyone to enjoy! Proceeds from the beach parking permits make it possible to keep area beaches clean and maintained as well as to have lifeguards on duty.  

For more information, please call (361) 826-8542 or visit (click on ‘Beach Parking Permits’ and ‘Corpus Christi Beaches’). We invite you to Live. Learn. Play!

2019 Parking Permit