Register Now to Attend the 2019 Xeriscape Symposium
What: 2019 Xeriscape Symposium
When: Saturday, January 26, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: Del Mar College Center for Economic Development
3209 S. Staples Street
Who: Xeriscape Steering Committee
City of Corpus Christi Water Utilities
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - Learn about the important role Monarch butterflies play around your garden and how you can enjoy your lawn without wasting valuable resources at this year's Xeriscape Symposium.
Master Gardeners and experts will be on hand to offer information and ideas about plants and soils, and KRIS-TV Meteorologist Maclovio Perez will talk about weather trends. The free event is open to the public. Seating is limited, pre-registration is encouraged, but on-site registration will be available. Door prizes and refreshments will be provided.
Reasonable accommodations are provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, please call (361) 826-3583 at least 48 hours in advance.
For more information and to make a reservation, contact Public Information Officer Gabriela Morrow at (361) 826-3583 or by email at