Serve Corpus Christi – Make a Difference!
May 2018 Vacancies
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Get involved! City Secretary, Rebecca L. Huerta, is looking to fill vacancies on various boards, commissions, committees and corporations. Take a look at the list and apply for the ones that interest you. You can make a difference…the city needs you!
The City Secretary’s Office is currently seeking applications for the following boards:
Animal Care Advisory Committee
Board of Adjustment
Building Code Board of Appeals
Civil Service Board/Commission
Commission on Children and Youth
Electrical Advisory Board
Human Relations Commission
Landmark Commission
Library Board
Mechanical/Plumbing Advisory Board
Museum of Science and History Advisory Board
Oil and Gas Advisory Committee
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Parking Advisory Committee
Pipeline Review Panel
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Advisory Committee
For more information, please go to the City of Corpus Christi’s website at For assistance, please contact, Boards and Commissions Coordinator, Taryn Plummer, at (361) 826-3893 or via e-mail at
(Note: All individuals considered for an appointment by the City Council to a board, commission, committee or corporation must have an active application on file in the Office of the City Secretary 7 days prior to the board appointments)