New Security Technology Coming to CCIA
When: Friday, March 2, 10:30 a.m. and continuing throughout the day
Where: CCIA Terminal, 2nd Floor
What: Installation of New Security Exit Lane System
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - There’s a change coming to Corpus Christi International Airport (CCIA) – one that travelers will notice after deplaning from their flights. A local company, Horton Automatics, is installing a new security exit lane system that uses infrared technology to prevent the flow of pedestrian traffic in the wrong direction.The exit lane is the area in the concourse that funnels deplaning traffic out to the front of the terminal.
Currently, the exit lane at CCIA is manned by TSA officers who stand guard and make sure than no one tries to bypass security and get to the secured side of the airport without proper vetting. This new technology can detect movement in the wrong direction and will alarm, shut doors and lock them down if this occurs.
Safety and security remains a top priority at CCIA. This new exit lane system offers another layer of defense against a variety of potential threats.
For more information contact, CCIA Marketing Manager Kim Bridger-Hunt at (361) 774-7871 or by email at or Scott Lawson, Horton Automatics at (361) 866-6665 .