Water Quality Routine Operations
The City of Corpus Christi reminds residents routine water quality operations are ongoing daily throughout the City and is not a cause for alarm. Water Quality personnel work to protect the public health and welfare of the citizens of Corpus Christi, which means they routinely conduct water quality samples and flush dead end mains. This can mean staff and vehicles can be onsite at many locations throughout the City performing these routine operations.
In fact, there are 1,881 dead end mains (DEM) that have to be flushed at least once per month to move water throughout the water system. Some dead end mains are flushed more often depending on location. A city the size of Corpus Christi is also required to collect at least 150 bacteriological drinking samples per month. In order to meet this requirement, the City has 98 designated water quality sample stations that are sampled twice per month. Water quality results are readily available at www.corpuschristiwater.com and updated weekly.
If you have any concerns regarding City of Corpus Christi drinking water quality, please contact Gabriel Ramirez, Water Quality Manager, via the City of Corpus Christi water quality hotline at (361) 826-1234.