Dia de los Muertos Festival Road Closures
CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS – The City of Corpus Christi Traffic Engineering advises residents and visitors of the following road closures and traffic control plan for the Corpus Christi Dia de los Muertos Festival on Saturday, October 29:
Starting at 5 a.m. Saturday
- No Parking areas will be enforced
- Chaparral Street will be closed between Peoples Street and Taylor Street
- Mesquite Street will be closed between Schatzell Street and Taylor Street
- Lower Broadway Street will be closed between Schatzell Street and Taylor Street
- Taylor Street will be closed between Chaparral Street and Mesquite Street
- Starr Street will be closed between Water Street and Lower Broadway Street
- Peoples Street will be closed between Chaparral Street and Lower Broadway Street
Drivers also should be aware of the construction street closures at Schatzell Street and Lawrence Street. Traffic control devices will advise motorists of the closures and no parking areas.
Festival attendees are encouraged to use the RTA park and ride. Pickup will be at the City Hall parking lot on the Leopard Street side. Drop off will be on Upper Broadway Street near The House of Rock. The RTA Park and Ride will run from 2:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.
For more information, please visit diadelosmuertoscc.com