Public Works Department Building to be Renamed after Late Director
- Richard E. Martinez Public Works Facility -
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo and City Council approved a resolution to authorize the renaming of a City building in honor of the late Corpus Christi Public Works Department Director, Richard Martinez.
On Friday, August 27, 2021, Richard suddenly passed away and left behind a legacy as an essential member of the City team. In his honor, Public Works Department Building 21, located at 2525 Hygeia Street, will be renamed the Richard E. Martinez Public Works Facility.
Richard joined the City in January 2020 as part of the restructuring of the Public Works/Streets/Storm Water Department. One of the major programs spearheaded by Richard was the City’s first five-year rolling Infrastructure Management Program (IMP). Since implementation, the IMP has rehabilitated 148 of the City’s residential streets and 114 lane miles of community collectors and arterial roadways.
“In the time Richard Martinez was the Public Works Director, he made transformational changes better to serve the city organization and the city streets infrastructure,” said Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo. “We honor Richard’s 30-year career as a public servant and will forever be grateful for his contributions to the City of Corpus Christi.”
“We remember what kind of situation we were in, and Richard set us on a clear and direct path regarding our street repairs,” said Councilman Ben Molina. “What better way to honor a man that has done so much for our community in such a short time he was here.”
A special ceremony for the dedication will be announced at a later date.
Media representatives needing additional information may contact Makensie Oubre, Sr. Public Information Officer, at (361) 826-3420 or email at