Public Invited to Santa Fe Street Grand Opening
Bond 2014 Project
CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS – Join us as the City celebrates the grand opening of Santa Fe Street. Construction recently wrapped on the project that included a full-depth repair from Elizabeth Street to Hancock Street. The reconstruction of the street included replacing the two- and three-lane road and upgrading underground utilities. Details will be released about improvements also made to the area that pedestrians and cyclists will enjoy. The event was scheduled in September, but had to be rescheduled because of weather.
WHAT: Street Grand Opening Celebration
WHEN: 9 a.m. Thursday, November 3
WHERE: Gaslight Square parking lot at the corner of Santa Fe Street and Buford Street
Please park in the 1101 Santa Fe St. parking lot and the empty lot next to it
WHO: Mayor Nelda Martinez, City of Corpus Christi
Brian Rosas, District 2 Council Member, City of Corpus Christi
Jeff Edmonds, Director of Engineering Services, City of Corpus Christi