Public Invited to Bond 2012 Williams Drive Phase 3 Grand Opening

When: 10 a.m. Friday, January 26, 2018

Where: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 5830 Williams Dr.

What: Bond 2012 Williams Drive Phase 3 Street Improvement      

           Project Grand Opening

Who: City Manager, Public Works Staff


CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The public is invited to the grand opening of Bond 2012 Williams Drive Phase 3 from Staples Street to Airline Road. Williams Drive was improved from a two-lane road to a four-lane concrete road with dedicated left turn lanes at Staples Street and Airline Road. Other improvements include underground utilities and 10-foot sidewalks for pedestrians and cyclists.

For more information contact Public Information Officer Michelle Villarreal Leschper at (361) 826-3837 or at