Public Health District Announces Holiday Safety Guidelines

City of Corpus Christi seal, Public Health logo and County of Nueces seal

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the holidays and special occasions are being celebrated differently. Christmas and New Year’s activities involve lots of parties and togetherness. This year, consider low-risk alternatives to celebrate the holiday season safely. For upcoming Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, the Corpus Christi – Nueces County Public Health District recommends the following tips:


  • Shop online to avoid holiday crowds
  • If shopping in stores, avoid crowded aisles
  • Deliver gifts contactless to family and friends

New Year’s Eve:

  • Find alternative ways to “ring in” the New Year
  • Avoid attending large, crowded parties where COVID-19 can easily spread

If you plan on going out, here are some tips that will help keep your celebrations safe and fun:

  • Protect those who are not eligible for vaccination by incorporating a face mask.
  • Arrange seating that promotes social distancing of 6 feet or more.
  • Practice social distancing and avoid crowded gatherings.
  • Sanitize your hands often.
  • If you are sick or have symptoms, do not host, or attend a gathering.
  • Open windows to allow the air to circulate

Everyone hosting or attending any holiday festivities should continue following safety guidelines and practice the public health three W’s:

  • Wear a mask
  • Watch your distance
  • Wash your hands often

For additional information, visit

Media representatives may contact Robert Gonzales, Public Information Manager, at 361-826-3233 or email at

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