Public Comment at Council Meetings to include In-Person Option

Even through COVID Pandemic, Public Comment was Available by Telephone and Written Testimony

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo and City Manager Peter Zanoni announce beginning June 8, 2021, citizens will be allowed to make public comment at City Council meetings in-person in addition to submitting written public comments or phone-in comments. Even through the COVID-19 pandemic, public comment was allowed during City Council meetings by telephone and written testimony.

In order to maintain the safety of the public, staff, and the City Council, the following COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place at City Hall: temperature checks will be required when entering the building; facial masks will be required and must be worn in the council chambers to include when making a public comment at the podium; seating in the council chambers will be socially distanced of six feet between parties.

Citizens will still be able to submit written public comments and phone-in comments, per the instructions located on the City Secretary’s website: Covid-19 Public Comment / Input Procedures | City of Corpus Christi (

The public has been able to view the City Council meetings live on the City’s social media channels, including Facebook, YouTube, and CCTV. Those viewing options will continue.